Low Flows Are Rule In Canals None of it is from this year’s Central Valley Project supply but there is water flowing down the Friant-Kern and Madera canals – just not much. On June 27, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation…
DROUGHT CONTINUES Friant Users Scramble For Alternative Water Supplies A tiny amount of water has begun flowing in the Friant-Kern Canal as Friant Division contractors and users scramble to try to mitigate their looming losses and drought conditions by acquiring…
May 20, 2014 For Immediate Release RONALD D. JACOBSMA, GENERAL MANAGER Office: (559) 562-6305 or Mobile: (559) 799-0700 Or: JENNIFER BUCKMAN, GENERAL COUNSEL Telephone: (916) 804-0173 Friant Files Legal Challenge Over How Exchange Contractors’ Water Is Being Supplied How the…