Category: San Joaquin River


Members of the Fresno County Council of Governments  complete a boat tour to the site of the proposed Temperance Flat Dam August 9, accompanied by Friant Water Authority Assistant General Manager Mario Santoyo (first row, far left).

SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Millerton Lake Storage Continues Slow Decline With the end of summer in sight and the water year starting to wind down, the Friant Division’s current water operations and supply have a feel of a team playing out…



SAN JOAQUIN RIVER RESTORATION PROGRAM Salmon Facility Funding Has No Impact, USBR Says Continued funding of a recently developed interim San Joaquin River salmon facility under the San Joaquin River Restoration Program would have no significant environmental impact, the U.S.…

Temperance Flat Study Continues

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation staff members and consultants are continuing to analyze and study a proposal to greatly increase the San Joaquin River’s water storage and management capabilities and options. Reclamation officials this month conducted a workshop to update cooperating…

Preliminary Proposal Released

BAY-DELTA CONSERVATION PLAN’s 20,000 PAGES Preliminary Proposal Released Twenty thousand pages of planning, alternatives and environmental analysis have been released as a preliminary Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) draft environmental study. The consultant draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement…